Kamis, 30 Januari 2020

EQ Token

EQ Token
I am sure that each of you at least once in your life was interested in various investment tools with which you can increase your capital. But despite the number of available tools, there is too large a pool of various pitfalls. Because of which, in fact, a very large number of people who want to take an honorable place in the investment industry are eliminated.

Of course, this kind of pitfalls can easily be attributed to the high threshold of entry, and the fact that regardless of the fact that the world of investment is one of the most profitable areas in the world, it is also one of the most high-risk.

However, there are also investment methods that partially reduce the entry barrier, as well as the risks associated with investments, and this method of investment is called crowdfunding. I think many of you are familiar with this term and understand what it is. But for those who hear about this direction for the first time, I will explain. Crowdfunding is a popular or as it can be called collective investment of capital for the development of other people or some organizations and companies.

Of course, this type of investment has a certain success, but in a centralized world it still has a number of drawbacks, which the new decentralized project intends to change. Which I actually want to tell you about today.

About the project and its features
It is important to note that the entire essence of the project is based on its own EQ Token, which will act as the main investment vehicle for new crowdinvesting available within the decentralized network. Revealing unlimited potential for everyone who wants to participate in investing in new startup projects, as well as existing enterprises.
As you have already understood the presence of a blockchain structure will allow investors to avoid the most common problems of crowdfunding in a centralized world such as:
opacity of operations and all related processes;
as well as the lack of clear terms of the contract, for violation of which those responsible for violations will have to be punished accordingly, and so on.

By implementing a block and decentralized structure in all these processes, the founders of the EQ Token automatically deprive their participants of such problems. After all, all transactions and transactions are purely transparent, while investing your capital in a particular company, a smart contract is created between you, which in turn increases not only the degree of trust, but also the level of security of all transactions.

In addition, the EQ Token opens up new opportunities not only for investors who can start taking an active part in any of the investment applications offered on the website, but also for businesses themselves. Which, in turn, by publishing their own offer for investors on the EQ Token website, will be able to quickly collect the necessary amount for the development of their project, giving their shares of the project in return for the token. Which I think is very convenient and fair.

It is important to note that the founders of the platform and the EQ Token will charge each project that wants to get into the list of recommendations for crowdfunding on their website a small fee that will average from $200 to $300. For this amount, the team of founders intends to make a detailed check and evaluation of the business idea, as well as check it for the degree of acceptable risk. As soon as the verification is successfully completed, the project will be credited to the platform.
But this is not all. Since in addition to the introductory control, the founders of the EQ Token will charge a small Commission on the amount accumulated by the project for its development. This will also include mandatory ownership of 3% of tokens from the project itself and 2% of the Commission on the amount of all available dividends. Of course, this may show too much to someone. However, these methods will allow you to cut off low-quality projects that were initially focused only on cheating their investors. Projects whose concept is based on the real benefits of the tools created or developed by them can withstand even such modest conditions of cooperation with EQ Token.

As for the token itself, the EQ20 token will be developed on the basis of the Ethereum Protocol and comply with its classic ERC-20 standard. At the same time, the total amount of the offer of domestic coins will total about 70 million tokens. With an initial cost of $0.05 for 1 EQ20. The distribution of coins will be carried out by means of the IEO and will last only 30 days. During this period of time, the founders of the EQ Token intend to collect a Hard Cap of $ 3.5 million.

Summing up a logical conclusion about the project, I would like to note its very interesting concept, as a result of which millions of people who want to invest in new and promising projects will find a sufficient level of safe tools. Thanks to which they will be able to achieve their desired goals.
However, no matter how good the project itself is, I always recommend that you learn more about it. After all, my reviews are quite superficial and do not affect the deep features of the project itself. And to make this process of immersion in the project as fast and comfortable as possible, I have specially prepared a list of all the official social resources of the EQ Token for you in advance.
Therefore, do not waste your precious time in vain, but rather go to the next block of my review and follow the link of a particular resource. And this is where I say goodbye to you. I was glad to share a new and interesting blockchain project with you. Therefore, put the huskies, subscribe to my channel. Also, don't forget to share your opinion about this project in the comments. Thank you for your attention and bye!



AoS is a platform that truly makes the best of cryptocurrency exchanges and investments. There is a lot of buzz today about cryptocurrency but the truth of the matter is that not everyone is getting it right. AoS has developed several strategies that will ensure that anyone who invests with them is always going to smile to the banks.

As they understand that nothing is more important in a business relationship than trust, AoS has cultivated a solid network based on trust, integrity and reliability with their customers. Apart from the immense profits that you stand to gain, there are other reasons you need to sign up with AoS.

The cryptocurrency market is one that is full of uncertainties. However, with a crew of tested professionals and experts like the ones at AoS, you are very sure your investments will be in safe hands. Hence, you will have absolutely no reason to worry about your investments at any point in time.

AoS focuses a lot on professionalism and excellent delivery at all times. They go that extra mile to ensure that as the client, all your goals are reached. They always get the job done for you. That is why people keep signing up with them.

The same scenario plays out at RealKoyn where there is a whole new dimension added to the various investments that can be done in the real estate niche. With a team of savvy and highly-dedicated professionals, there is no better place to lodge your investments than with RealKoyn. With them, you are very sure you are dealing with real assets and getting only real profits. The whole platform is solidly based on the Ethereum ERC20 blockchain technology and this is very good news for investors.

There are several advantages with investing with RealKoyn. The entire process has been simplified and buying tokens can be done with the click of a button. Another reason why it is a solid and worthwhile investment is because it is tied to the land. Apart from water and food, land is the most important resource for humanity. It is one entity that is always increasing in value no matter what — land never depreciates in value.

What AoS has done is to totally disrupt the niche by blending cryptocurrency investments with real estate transactions. So although Koyn may function just like any other ERC20 token out there, what makes it different is what backs it in terms of security and value.

Sadly, the great majority of crypto offerings don’t make it to an exchange
This reality is not good for the investor or the cryptosphere. AoS understands that real partnerships are based on trust. Our focus is on keeping our word and performing in a world class manner. Many people see the promise of cryptocurrency but because of the ill prepared and bad apples in the space; those people are hesitant and skeptical. AoS eliminates the need for unhealthy skepticism.

Because of the uncertainty, you need AoS. We help navigate the cryptosphere so that you don’t have to be stressed out or confused. You are partnering with experts with a track record of producing. Integrity is at the foundation of our organization. We take meaningful steps to ensure you are comfortable with your investment. At the end of the day, what do we really bring to the table? Well — we get it done.

Expertise: We’ve done it
Character: Character counts
Support: You are not alone
Security: We are cautious
Transparency: Don’t guess, know
Credentials: Qualified by others

Partner with AoS, a top tier organization and let us help you navigate through the dynamic crypto terrain.
About 15% of cryptocurency tokens are profitable. We have discovered the pitfalls and and how to cross them. The returns of crypto cannot be beat, so it is completely worth the journey. Join us and capitalize on our expertise.

Unetted Projects (this is where we help most) 78%
Failed 4%
Quit 3%

Why Go With Us?
If you are still asking why, take these three points into consideration.

We are not trying to figure all of it out. Much of it has already been figured. Experience is a valuable commodity when dealing with people’s hard earned money. Our goal is to use all of our combined experiences to grow your assets.

Much of our team has operated under licenses in which governmental scrutiny is an unavoidable reality. This gives us an edge on competitors who haven’t operated in such environments. You don’t want to pay for them to figure it out.

You will know precisely the status of your koyn. You will have access to everything you need to know and more to ensure you are always in the know. We believe in the marriage of new school tech and old school values.

Scarcity Gives Value
Our Investments are based on scarce tangibles so there will always be value. Those things that cannot be reproduced easily or economically are prime targets; real estate, industrial metals and precious metals are our focus.
All tokens are backed by real assets
Multiple tokens offer multiple opportunities
Token values are reinforced by eachother

Blockchain is the Future of the Internet
The Internet of Things is converging toward block chain technology. Many cite blockchain as the biggest thing since the internet. Smart investors are looking to the future and positioning themselves for the next iteration.
Across Industries
Across Technologies
Across National Boundaries

Timing is Everything
The most important thing is not what you invest in but when you invest in it. Blockchain technologies including cryptocurrency is maturing and when the space completely settles, the returns will act accordingly. With most major tech companies and many non-tech companies investing tremendous resources in blockchain, the opportunity will wean.
Global Firms have Stepped in the Space
In 10 years almost every person knows Bitcoin
Most will enter the market too late

We have the Answer
Most cryptocurrencies are backed by good will only. Our opportunities are backed by stores of value. By using the oldest assets on the planet (the planet itself, ie. land, minerals, etc.) and game changing tech, we are creating something never seen before.
Safer than other cryptocurrencies
Same type of gains possible
Long term and short term gains

Real Koyn (RKYN) is AoS current offering, win with us.
Real Estate is as “real” as it gets. By aggregating properties your tokens earn value. With so many tokens that never make it to trade, work with a group that has already established relationships to ensure your tokens trade. Our goal is to grow your money.
Not just a coin but a. . . Koyn Kollection!
To earn our spot as your go to cryptocurrency partner, we have to offer diverse opportunities and provide not just impressive returns but liquidity as well.
Koyn — The Mother
Koyn is our answer to tokenization. Tokens secured by some underlying value like real estate, metals or businesses, etc. Koyn is the next generation of secured assets; in the cryptoverse or the financial sector in general.
Real Koyn — Available Now
Our current entry in the blockchain space ,based on the worlds best values,in real estate. Early investor bonuses,and benefits make it a great opportunity. http://www.realkoyn.com
Gold Koyn — October 2020
We have employed experts to develop a world class model to secure gold and bring additional value to our members.

Multi tranches are better for early contributors
20%: Reserves
60%: Real Estate Asset
5%: Airdrop
2%: Contributors and Advisors
10%: Founders
3%: Bounty and Marketing

With a mix of property types we can find the very best deal
10%: Industrial
10%: Land
35%: Multi-Family
25%: Residential
20%: Commercial

Most funds are associated with acquiring projects
5%: Marketing
85%: Real Estate Identification, Securing, Development, Sales
10%: Administration, Operations, Legal

APR 2018
Organization Development
Create the offering, including Legal and Whitepaper
JUL 2018
Core Team Recruitmen
Identify core team members, outreach and placement.
SEP 2018
Core Team Development
Organize the team for a successful raise and project planning and development thereafter.
JAN 2019
Social Media Network Beta Development
Began to develop concept and architecture of our answer to the Social Media gap.
MAR 2019
Community Development
Outreach to the Crypto world to include all major crypto media and channels.
JUL 2019
Social Media Network Beta Development B
Continue to next phase of development for our Holisitic Social Network.
NOV 2019
Team Development and Preparation
Properly recruit and place new members and prepare for launch.
JAN 2020
Media Launch, PR and Community Engagement
PR launch and a blitz through social media channels.
JAN 2020
Raise Funds through Pre-Sale bonuses and discounts — motivating investors.
FEB 2020
Continue to raise funds through 4 Stage ICO.
MAR 2020
Continue to raise funds through IEO with carefully selected partner.
APR 2020
Exchange Listing
After review of exchange options, we will execute a contract and list on several exchanges.
JUN 2020
Project Commencement
Our team will research, identify, analyze and secure projects that meet our criteria.
JUL 2020
Social Network Site Complete
Members will enjoy the benefits of a holisitic online community.

For More Information Click Link Bellow:

Sabtu, 25 Januari 2020


회사 소개
명확한 비전을 가진 젊은 팀은 Blockchain Technology를 활용하여 일상 생활에서 ioox Coin 및 기타 cryptocurrency를 사용합니다. 매일.

우리는 거래의 비밀을 믿지 않으며, 모호함과 통제력 부족을 만듭니다. 우리는 투명성, 안전성 및 검증 가능성을 믿습니다. ioox 동전은 매일 커피, 음료를 지불하는 것입니다. ioox 코인은 일을하거나 공부를하거나 자신의 가치있는 은퇴를 즐기는 평범한 사람들을위한 것입니다. ioox 코인은 소액 거래를 현금 또는 신용 카드로 대체하며 매일 사용됩니다.

실제로 매일 사람들은 하루에 10 달러 미만의 거래를 수행하며, 아이오 코인 코인은 이러한 사람들의 마음에 위배됩니다. 실제 대량 채택 및 ioox Ring으로 예정되어 있으며 엔진도 아닙니다.

우리의 비젼
우리는 미래를 상상했습니다. 결제 시스템에 가장 가까운 미래. 이를 위해 우리는 현재를 잊고 시간이 지남에 따라 생각을 투영해야합니다. 우리는 종이 결제 수단없이, 오래된 신용 카드없이 새로운 세상에 진입하고 있습니다. 미래의 우리의 존은 집을 떠나 커피 숍에 들어가서 그의 아이오 옥스 링을 가슴 리더에 넣어 아이오 코인 동전으로 지불 할 것입니다.

그는 그에게 아무것도, 반지 또는 자신의 팔찌가 없습니다.

가까운 장래에 우리는 우리가 지불 할 수있을뿐만 아니라 혈액형, 알레르기, 거주지, 하루에 몇 단계를 밟고 있는지, 그리고 기대 수명에 대한 기본 정보를 포함하는 ioox 코인과 ioox 링으로 지불합니다. 우리의 라이프 스타일을 기반으로합니다. 우리의 미래를 입력

최초 출시 및 기술
ioox Technology는 현재 지불 시스템을 사용하여 암호화 기반 통화를 블록 체인 생태계에 통합합니다. 매일 ioox 코인과 ioox 웨어러블 시스템 (링 또는 팔찌)으로 매일 소액 결제를 수행하고 원격 설정을 통해 일일 예산을 설정할 수 있습니다. 따라서 파트너 상점에서 또는 아직 활성화되지 않은 상점에서 USD로 ioox 코인을 사용하여 지불을 설정할 수 있습니다.

우리는 모든 사람을위한 일상 생활을위한 도구를 개발하고 있으며, 우리가 잘 아는 사람마다 시간과 방법이 다릅니다.

투명성 및 신뢰
관리 도구를 통해 벨소리 사용 환경 설정을 설정하고 기억할 수 있습니다. 일일 지불 한도를 설정하고 월별 지출을 추적 할 수 있습니다. 우리는 투명하고 빠르며 역동적 인 생태계를 구축하고자합니다. 기존 시스템의 복제품이 아닌 새로운 지불 시스템.

투자자의 이익은 두 가지 경로를 따릅니다. 사용 횟수에 비례하여 통화 가치가 증가합니다. 우리는 질량에 도달하고 싶습니다. 이것이 우리의 목표입니다. 수익의 두 번째 방법은 ioox 브랜드의 기술 지원, 반지 또는 팔찌 판매에서 비롯됩니다.

지불 유연성
암호화 토큰으로 쉽게 지불하고 지불 할 수 있습니다. 결제는 즉시 이루어지며 모든 암호화 지갑으로 이체 할 수 있습니다.

로드맵에는 안전한 사용을 위해 기본 동전을 보관, 수령 ​​및 발송할 수있는 안전한 지갑이 포함되어 있습니다.
대량 채택을위한 단일 플랫폼
기본 ioox 프로젝트 구현 플랫폼은 Ethereum 네트워크에서 작동합니다. 안정적이고 안전한 블록 체인 네트워크. 우리의 선택은 기존 네트워크의 보안과 신뢰성을 활용하고 2020 년까지 약 3 억 3 천만 명이 웨어러블 지불 시스템, 스마트 워치, 링 등을 사용할 것으로 예측하는 기술에 적용 할 필요성에 따라 결정되었습니다. 출처 IHS 보고서 Near Field 연락. 우리는이 미래의 일부가 될 것이며 신뢰할 수있는 항공사가 될 것입니다.

최종 고려 사항
ioox의 주요 목표는 대중이 사용하는 ioox 지불 기술을 만들어 재무 적 포용을 만드는 것입니다. ioox 프로젝트에 참여한다는 것은 미래의 일부라는 의미입니다. 웨어러블 기기를 통한 거래는 40 % 빠르며 몇 년 안에 신용 카드 또는 직불 카드 거래를 완전히 대체합니다. 오늘은 우리에게 중요한 날입니다.

아이오 옥스 토큰
공개 판매 : 20 %
개인 판매 : 40 %
예비 기금 : 10 %
팀 및 설립자 : 15 %
바운티 및 이벤트 : 6 %
자문 및 파트너 : 9 %

코인 이름 : ioox
시세 / 기호 : ioox
총 공급량 : 10,000,000,000 ioox
소수 : 8
계약 주소 : 0xf6923F7d96fc22c4b8010a865e41cF7edfB6379C

우리 팀



Selasa, 14 Januari 2020


Populasi Emirates diperkirakan akan berkembang pada tingkat 3 persen per tahun hingga melampaui 12 juta penduduk pada 2024, dibandingkan dengan 11 juta saat ini. Terutama kaum muda dan kelas pekerja secara progresif mengembangkan selera dan preferensi baru, mendorong permintaan akan produk makanan internasional olahan. Pada saat yang sama, ada peningkatan frekuensi makan di luar rumah sebagai bentuk sosialisasi dan hiburan. PDB per kapita Uni Emirat Arab diperkirakan mencapai lebih dari 69.392 dolar (dengan daya beli yang sama) dan termasuk yang tertinggi di dunia dan jauh lebih tinggi daripada rata-rata negara maju. Hasil dari, konsumsi produk makanan diuntungkan dari tingginya tingkat kekayaan di negara tersebut yang mendorong volume impor yang kuat serta investasi asing langsung yang bertujuan untuk mencapai ketahanan pangan bagi negara. Uni Emirat Arab pada dasarnya adalah negara padang pasir, dengan iklim yang gersang, kelangkaan sumber daya air dan tanah yang subur, dan bobot sektor utama pertanian dan perikanan kurang dari 1 persen dari PDB. Akibatnya, negara itu terpaksa mengimpor sekitar 85 persen dari kebutuhan makanannya.

Hidroponik adalah metode budidaya di mana tanaman tumbuh menggunakan larutan nutrisi mineral yang dilarutkan dalam air, tanpa tanah, yang digantikan oleh substrat inert. Yang dapat terdiri dari tanah liat yang diperluas, perlit, vermikulit, serat kelapa, wol batu, zeolit, dll. Tanaman yang diproduksi di pembibitan, ditransplantasikan pada pendukung inert yang ditempatkan sekitar 60 cm dari tanah, berlabuh pada struktur udara rumah kaca. , dan diairi dengan larutan nutrisi yang terdiri dari air dan senyawa, sebagian besar anorganik, diperlukan untuk membawa semua elemen penting untuk nutrisi mineral normal. Di dalam rumah kaca, barisan panjang tomat, zucchini, paprika, terong dan selada tumbuh dengan dukungan berjarak sekitar satu meterapart. Ruang yang dibutuhkan untuk perawatan tanaman dan operasi panen. Pemupukan karbon dioksida, yang dikombinasikan dengan oksigen dan nitrogen di udara mempercepat dan melipatgandakan fotosintesis, memungkinkan vegetasi yang subur dan berkelanjutan sepanjang tahun. Dari setiap bibit dua stek ditanam, satu mengarah ke kiri, yang lainnya ke kanan sehubungan dengan garis pendukung. Kedua stek dibuat untuk dipuntir dengan seutas benang yang dipasang pada bagian atas rumah kaca, setinggi 4,5 meter, untuk menopangnya. Pada puncaknya, benang digulung hingga menjadi kumparan, dan ketika tanaman itu tumbuh, di bagian bawahnya ia digunduli dan buahnya dibiarkan terbuka, dan secara bertahap mencapai kematangan. Dan saat tanaman itu tumbuh, gulungan itu terbuka dan dipindahkan 50 cm di sepanjang ulir yang menggantung. Dengan demikian tinggi maksimum tidak pernah melebihi tinggi yang mereka ketagihan, dan bagian dalam pematangan selalu pada ketinggian yang sama, paling mudah untuk dikumpulkan.
Mereka yang melakukan pemanjangan skein, menghilangkan thalli aksila, daun berlebih dan juga melakukan kalibrasi tandan, melepas, segera setelah pengaturan, produk supernumerary. Dalam jenis budidaya ini jumlah air yang digunakan, untuk produksi yang sama, adalah sekitar sepersepuluh dibandingkan dengan budidaya di tanah. Aspek lingkungan tidak boleh diremehkan karena penggunaan pupuk ditargetkan dan tidak ada dispersi di tanah, sementara penggunaan herbisida tidak ada. Mereka tidak menggunakan insektisida. Tetapi serangga lain, seperti lebah dan lebah, yang berada di dalam kotak yang didistribusikan di antara baris, yang melawan serangga berbahaya. Dan di mana mereka tidak datang dengan serangga lain, mereka menggunakan umpan dan perangkap, dengan baskom di gambar. Jika tidak, 

Parameter kontrol penting adalah lima: 
• Yang pertama tentu PH. Keseimbangannya sangat mendasar untuk menjaga keadaan kelarutan unsur-unsur dan mengoptimalkan proses pertukaran antara akar dan larutan nutrisi. PH yang berbeda dari kisaran optimal memperburuk status gizi tanaman karena imobilisasi kimia atau fisiologis dari satu atau lebih elemen mineral. 
• Konsentrasi larutan nutrisi dikontrol dengan mengendalikan konduktivitas listrik. Konduktivitas rendah berkorelasi dengan pengenceran larutan yang berlebihan, oleh karena itu tanaman berada dalam kondisi kekurangan nutrisi mineral. 
• Laju aliran, waktu, dan siklus pengeluaran: Kontrol nutrisi mineral dilakukan melalui manajemen laju aliran dan waktu yang tepat dari larutan nutrisi, yang mengatur pertukaran larutan dalam kontak dengan akar. 
• Dengan komposisi kimia larutan, keseimbangan nutrisi tanaman dibandingkan dengan berbagai nutrisi, rasio antagonisme antara kalium dan logam alkali tanah dan kelarutan berbagai garam dikontrol. Karena tanaman memerlukan rasio pemupukan yang berbeda dalam kaitannya dengan spesies, jenis produksi dan rasio hasil kuantitatif dan kualitatif dari produk, komposisi solusi sangat penting untuk mencapai tujuan. Untuk persiapan larutan, pupuk dengan kelarutan tinggi dalam air harus digunakan. 
• Akhirnya kita memiliki kontrol suhu dan kelembaban di dalam rumah kaca.

Token AQUA tidak memiliki kualifikasi hukum keamanan, karena tidak memberikan hak apa pun untuk dividen atau kepentingan. Penjualan token AQUA bersifat final dan tidak dapat dikembalikan. Token AQUA bukan saham dan tidak memberikan hak untuk berpartisipasi dalam rapat umum CERVIERO FZ-LLC. Token AQUA tidak dapat memiliki kinerja atau nilai tertentu di luar Platform AQUA. Oleh karena itu token AQUA tidak boleh digunakan atau dibeli untuk tujuan spekulatif atau investasi. Pembeli token AQUA menyadari bahwa undang-undang sekuritas nasional, yang memastikan bahwa investor menjual investasi yang mencakup semua pengungkapan yang tepat dan tunduk pada pengawasan peraturan untuk perlindungan investor, tidak berlaku. 
Pembeli token AQUA menyatakan bahwa dia memahami dan memiliki pengalaman signifikan cryptocurrency, sistem dan layanan blockchain, dan bahwa dia sepenuhnya memahami risiko yang terkait dengan crowdsale serta mekanisme yang terkait dengan penggunaan cryptocurrency (termasuk. penyimpanan). CERVIERO tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas kehilangan token AQUA atau situasi yang membuatnya tidak mungkin untuk mengakses token AQUA, yang mungkin timbul dari tindakan atau kelalaian pengguna atau siapa pun yang berusaha untuk memperoleh token AQUA, serta dalam kasus serangan hacker.
Memperoleh token AQUA dan menyimpannya melibatkan berbagai risiko, khususnya risiko bahwa CERVIERO FZ-LLC mungkin tidak dapat meluncurkan operasinya dan mengembangkan blockchain dan menyediakan layanan yang dijanjikan. Oleh karena itu, dan sebelum memperoleh token AQUA, setiap pengguna harus mempertimbangkan dengan cermat risiko, biaya, dan manfaat dari memperoleh token AQUA dalam konteks crowdsale dan, jika perlu, mendapatkan saran independen apa pun dalam hal ini. Setiap orang yang tertarik yang tidak dalam posisi untuk menerima atau memahami risiko yang terkait dengan aktivitas (termasuk risiko yang terkait dengan pengembangan tanpa platform AQUA) atau risiko lain seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Syarat & Ketentuan crowdsale tidak boleh mendapatkan AQUAtokens. 
Buku putih ini tidak boleh dan tidak dapat dianggap sebagai undangan untuk melakukan investasi. Itu tidak merupakan atau berhubungan dengan cara apa pun juga tidak boleh dianggap sebagai penawaran sekuritas di yurisdiksi apa pun. Buku putih ini tidak termasuk atau mengandung informasi atau indikasi yang dapat dianggap sebagai rekomendasi atau yang dapat digunakan sebagai dasar untuk setiap keputusan investasi. Token AQUA hanyalah token utilitas yang hanya dapat digunakan pada platform AQUA dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk digunakan sebagai investasi. Penawaran token AQUA pada platform perdagangan dilakukan untuk memungkinkan penggunaan platform AQUA dan bukan untuk tujuan spekulatif. Penawaran token AQUA pada platform perdagangan tidak mengubah kualifikasi hukum token, yang tetap merupakan cara sederhana untuk penggunaan platform AQUA dan bukan merupakan keamanan. CERVIERO FZ-LLC tidak akan dianggap sebagai penasihat dalam masalah hukum, pajak, atau keuangan apa pun. Setiap informasi dalam buku putih disediakan hanya untuk keperluan informasi umum dan CERVIERO FZ-LLC tidak memberikan jaminan apa pun tentang keakuratan dan kelengkapan informasi ini.


PASOKAN TOTAL: 100.000.000




Kamis, 02 Januari 2020





プロメテウスは、将来のプラットフォームの開発について完全に透明です。当社の製品と組織能力により、プロジェクトの成功に自信を持っています。このため、ICOの参加者にICOの世界ではまだ見られない絶対的な保護を提供します:ICOの完了後に将来のプラットフォームと成功するビジネスモデルを開発するために必要な530,000ドルのソフトキャップを超えない場合、Ethereumスマートコントラクトを介して自動的に返されます。ソフトキャップ(ハードキャップは11,000,000ドル)を通過した後、プロメテウスは、プラットフォームの開発がロードマップに従っているかどうかを確認するソフトウェア開発の権限を持つ複数の独立した専門家を提案します。すべてのICO参加者はお気に入りに投票しますが、1ドル以上の購入者は 000は専門家を指名することができます。Prometheusプラットフォームの開発が予測期間のロードマップに従っていないと専門家が判断した場合、すべての購入者には、530,000ドルの比例額を差し引いた投資額が返金されます。 

•ICO価格:1 PRO = 0.1 USD
•ソフトキャップ:530,000 USD
•ハードキャップ:11,000,000 USD


Q1 2020: 
Q3 2020: 
Q4 2020: 

Srdjan Vukmirovic-CEO 
Milana Fine-開発者 
Nemanja Simikic-開発者








CARRトークンを保持している消費者は、保持されているトークンに基づいて特定の特典を許可する階層に配置されます。より多くのトークンを保持するほど、ティアが高くなるほど、リベートは良くなります。消費者は最大30%のリベートを受け取ることができます。これは、償還のために市場で販売する必要があるCARRトークンで提供されます。リベートに加えて、階層には、リベートを許可する年に複数の購入、ユーザーの買い物を支援するCarnomaly Automotiveの販売代理店、リベートを友人や家族に贈与するなどの追加の利点もあります。



•AVB(Advanced Vehicle Blockchain)の開発を開始します

