Senin, 31 Agustus 2020



What is xHumanitas?
xHumanity is a more "human" social network that differentiates itself from other social networks, today by being built on morals and aiming to promote not only social interaction itself but also its qualities, using two ways of getting valued in the system: cryptocurrency and reputation.

Some examples of the key elements xHumanity compares to Facebook:
xHumanitas is a decentralized system, governed by consensus reached by community members and not by specific entities; 
At xHumanity, user actions within the network are rewarded with reputation and cryptocoins, according to the proposed algorithm;
On xHumanity, there are up and down votes; 
On Facebook, likes on a post can be shared among friends, on a different basis than the actual post value. xHumanitas will endeavor to eliminate this behavior, aiming that the votes cast on a post reflect as much of the value of the post as possible; 
On Facebook, likes given to posts by influencers have the same value as likes from regular users. At xHumaniy, the more reputation the user has, the greater the value of the vote; 
At xHumanity, if two users behave opposite each other and at some point they reach an agreement, they will be rewarded according to the aforementioned principles; 
At xHumanity, the advertising system will be user-oriented, who will receive cryptocoins and a reputation for their involvement in promotions. They won't be inundated with unwanted ads like on Facebook; 
Since xHumanity is based on trust between its users, donations do not need to be affiliated with any entity.

xHumanity's Vision
xHumanity's vision is to help humanity fulfill their desires and dreams to evolve into a better world, aiming for freedom and truth, bringing face to face, for the first time, the humanity as a whole and the human individualism. We will take into consideration humanism, exact science, evolution as a species but also relationships, emotions and feelings.

With the goal to implement a system with a high degree of freedom of speech and even consciousness. The freedom of disagreement and controversy will lead to reconciliation (as a human consensus) which the system will reward fairly.

Three Stages Of The xHumanity Project:
Cure the World: The concept of trust will build up between the users of the application and also between users and the xHumanity system. We will make this possible through the use of the Reputation and Find the Fake modules but also through acts of charity. 
Fair Economy: The ecosystem will be finalized which will offer the financial utility of the application. The Free Market and Advertise modules but also the exchange integration into the system's economy will offer users the possibility to earn fairly. This is the stage for xHumanity token integration into the real economy. 
Free Humanity: This includes the integration of AI (Artificial Intelligence). If in the previous stages we have taken care of designing and programming of AA (Autonomous Agents), this is the stage to create DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization).

xHumanity will use xCRED tokens to quatity users' reputation. Emission will be a continuous one:
For each point of reputation earned, the user will receive 1 xCRED token 
For UBI (Universal Basic Income) every 3 months. The amount received by each active user will be equal to 1% of xCRED tokens emitted up to that time.
xDNA coin is meant for transferring value from outside in to the xHumanity ecosystem. The emission of xDNA is fixed at 11 Billion.


Our vision is to help humanity fulfill their desires and dreams to evolve into a better world, aiming for freedom and truth, bringing face to face for the first time the humanity as a whole and the human individualism. We will take into consideration humanism, exact science, evolution as a species but also relationships, emotions and feelings. Our goal is to implement a system with a high degree of freedom of speech and even consciousness. The freedom of disagreement and controversy will lead to reconciliation (as a human consensus) which the system will reward fairly.

During the first stage (Cure the World) The concept of trust will build up between the users of the application and also between users and the xHumanity system. We will make this possible through the use of the Reputation and Find the Fake modules but also through acts of charity.

In the second stage (Fair Economy) The ecosystem will be finalized which will offer the financial utility of the application. The Free Market and Advertise modules but also the exchange integration into the system’s economy will offer users the possibility to earn fairly. This is the stage for xHumanity token integration into the real economy

The last stage (Free Humanity) This includes the integration of AI (Artificial Intelligence). If in the previous stages we have taken care of designing and programming of AA (Autonomous Agents) , this is the stage to create DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) .


Thanks to the technological progress in the near future, humanity could find itself in the situation where people will lose their economic utility thus the economic system won’t value them anymore (on the free market). Even though robots and computers can today replace humans in many sectors, in the near future Artificial Intelligence cannot gain human attributes such as sensation and emotion. 

This situation along with the loss of economic utility of humans raises an essential question: What is more important: Intelligence or Consciousness? The answer is quite simple. If intelligence will be integrated in algorithms, consciousness has to belong to humans. Through the sets of algorithms, rules and human values, xHumanity comes to aid people to determine them to keep their most important aspect: self-consciousness. Modern people suffer from the fear of missing out. Even though we have more options than ever,

Q4 2019
Inception of the project
Fundamental concepts & core team build
Q1 2020
Clear problem statement
Analyse and general design, base of reputation system.
Q2 2020
Project build and details
Functional design, find the fake concept, whitepaper guidelines, Website starts
Q3 2020
Holochain develop, finalize and publish the whitepaper, build the exteneded team
Q4 2020
Start project
Archetype design, development of infrastructure, community build
Q1 2021
First prototypes
wallet, basic UI and services
Q2 2021
basic dApp, standard reputation computations, mobile app
Q3 2021
Full reputation and reward system build
Q4 2021
Alpha Phase
Nodes interoperability, network simulations, testnet scaling
Q1 2022
Beta 1 Phase
Mainnet tests, beta tests and additional functions, categories-tags, proposals
Q2 2022
Beta 2 Phase
Extended social media functions: experiences, relationships, communities
Q3 2022
Add functionalities
blog, forum-topics-threds, questions and answers, chat, groups
Q4 2022
Adding all media formats combined into platform

For more details





The Tradetoken Network from KLEGLITE RESOURCES is a blockchain project that provides solutions, transparency, and empowerment for its ecosystem users. Since the future of blockchain is Defi, we are positioned to become the world's number 1 one-stop hub for decentralized financial applications that add value for businesses, governments and individuals. KLEGLITE RESOURCES is registered twice under the Corporate Affairs Commission. You can verify us HERE.

Token utilities and Decentralized Finance are the latest trends in the crypto industry today, and this is the essence of the Tradetoken Network. We intend to use our abundance of DeFi products to empower businesses, governments and ordinary people on the streets. With our Ecosystem, we aim to encourage fast, secure and reliable transactions eliminating intermediaries thus reducing costs of doing business. Tradetoken will be used as the official currency for our ecosystem. This will be used for payments as well as transaction fees for all Defi products in our ecosystem.

TradeToken solution

Blockchain technology is constantly evolving and the potential it carries is frankly limitless. Our main goal is to become a production plant for Defi products for daily use for businesses, governments and individuals with our shared safe ecosystem Tradetoken is used as the main currency for all transactions.

TradeToken Whitelabel Exchange

This is our flagship blockchain product. It’s a powerful whitelabel exchange where you can trade/swap/exchange well over 150 standard cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Eth, Xrp, Doge, Zec, Dash etc. It’s very fast, safe and decentralized. No kyc is needed to do anytransaction here.

Tradetoken Market
Tradetoken Market is a high octane blockchain platform that brings together investors, buyers and sellers, enabling seamless and secure transactions. In the Tradetoken Market, users can enjoy a large number of blockchain products and services that are useful to help them carry out daily transactions. Tradetoken as an official token of the Tradetoken Market will be used as the official currency to empower all products and services in the Ecosystem.

  • Reliable service
  • Low cost
  • Good security
  • Amazing Defi Application
  • Fast Speed Transactions
  • First class support

Token Distribution

Bounty: 3%

Devlompment: 40%

Combustion: 10%

Marketing: 20%

Airdrop: 2%

Team: 25%

Token Information
Tradetoken is an Ethereum based token. You can search her out on etherscan with “tradetoken” all small letters or with contract address: 0x996Df3D7e3054A39432e76295Df2D7C8EAB8B4bC

  • Token name: Trade Token
  • Symbol Token: TTO
  • Type : ERC-20
  • Total supply: 100,000,000


Rowland Aneke - Ceo & Lead Blockchain

Vivian Okwedy - Lead Sales and Marketing

Ajayi Eniola - Community Manager

Sunday Okon - Chief Advisor

Annamalai V - Blog & Content writer

Muhammad Ammar - WordPress Web Devloper

For more information


Selasa, 25 Agustus 2020




ClinTex će svojim rješenjima inovirati farmaceutsku industriju u cjelini, tako da kroz svoj tim svima donosi Clinical Trials Intelligence svima će to biti nova vrsta softverske platforme koja će kroz razvoj transformirati cjelokupnu industriju lijekova, a primjena prediktivne analize ClinTex će koristiti strojno učenje i blockchain tehnologiju kroz pametne ugovore za provođenje kliničkih ispitivanja, jer ClinTex želi smanjiti cijenu lijekova i poboljšati brzinu marketinga novih lijekova za sve, pa čak i pomoći onima kojima je to najpotrebnije jer će to omogućiti smanjenje troškovi razvoja za cjelokupnu farmaceutsku industriju s globalnom učinkovitošću. ClinTex putem Clinical Trials Intelligence će biti u potpunosti distribuirana tehnološka platforma koja može ugraditi prediktivnu analizu podataka kroz strojno učenje i njegovu upotrebu.

ClinTex će imati snažne i pronicljive funkcionalnosti analize podataka na administrativnim funkcijama, kao što je operativna i klinička cjelina, sve zainteresirane strane moći će lakše identificirati na ovaj način djelovati i riješiti sve moguće probleme otkrivene prije nego što negativno utječu na test, štedeći Napredno upravljanje tijekom rada, jer će omogućiti napredak, budući da će uključivati ​​funkcionalnost „zatvorene petlje“ i nepromjenjivi revizorski trag temeljen na blok-lancu koji će pružiti veću fleksibilnost svim proizvođačima i dionicima, ClinTex s platformom Clinical Trials Intelligence stvara ekosustav koji će promovirati suradnju u farmaceutskoj industriji,dok se na ovaj način bave svim pitanjima privatnosti i sigurnosti svih uključenih strana. Biblioteka koja je prva takve vrste u stalnom rastu analize kliničkih podataka ovim putem želi olakšati razmjenu svih naučenih lekcija na ovaj način smanjit će sve korporativne granice, bez ugrožavanja povjerljivih podataka koji olakšavaju pristup za više informacija posjetite web stranicu i pročitajte bijelu knjigu za više tehničkih detalja


ClinTex svojim inovativnim ekosustavom donosi CTi koji se namjerava sastojati od sedam neovisnih aplikacija, tako da svaka od njih može pružiti važne informacije i donijeti korist svim zainteresiranim stranama, na taj način će svi moći uživati ​​zajedno sa svojim timom za farmakovigilanciju i monitorima. da oni mogu staviti aplikaciju CTi-OEM za operativnu izvrsnost u globalni rad na taj način što omogućuje intuitivan operativni nadzor kliničkih ispitivanja svim rukovoditeljima kliničkih projekata, što intuitivnije kao upravitelji kliničkih podataka i udaljeno osoblje, bit će pristupačniji i lakši uz dozvolu s tim da će tim donositi odluke o tome koje će akcije biti potrebne za uspješan projekt biti učinkovitiji,ClinTex će provesti CTi-CDV PRIMJENU jer će kliničke vizualizacije podataka pružiti poboljšani pregled kliničkih podataka korištenjem vizualizacija podataka za prepoznavanje problema q koji mogu utjecati na integritet studije i sigurnost pacijenata na ovaj način olakšati razumijevanje i smanjenje svih podataka problemi s kvalitetom, pogoršanje bolesti, između ostalog, jer osim toga, CTi-CDV namjerava olakšati signaliziranje takvih problema i korektivne radnje biti u potpunosti zabilježene i nadzirane,budući da će se primjena prediktivne analize CTi-PDA odvijati kroz CTi-PDA tvrtke ClinTex koja namjerava kombinirati sve izvore operativnih i kliničkih podataka i upotrijebiti će poboljšano prediktivno modeliranje posebno predvidjeti takve probleme i buduće događaje prije nego što se dogode, osiguravajući tako visok sigurnost svih koji su uključeni u proces uklanjanjem prepreka, jer će aplikacija O CTi-PDA moći otkriti skrivene korelacije u svim skupima podataka i na taj način olakšati svim partnerskim farmaceutskim tvrtkama da proaktivno djeluju kako bi se učinkovito i učinkovito riješile. jedinstven način jer će PRIMENA mreže ClinTex obaviti sve Nadzor koji će se temeljiti na riziku CTi-RBM jer CTI-RBM aplikacija može koristiti trenutne i povijesne podatke za predviđanje specifičnih rizika.omogućit će timu koji je uključen da taktički implementira sve podatke farmaceutske tvrtke i svih resursa za praćenje mjesta kako bi pametno poduzeli preventivne mjere u kratkom vremenu, jer će se pristup temeljiti na prediktivnom riziku koji se razlikuje Iz trenutnih reaktivnih pristupa riziku i mogu značajno smanjiti sve troškove nadgledanja mjesta tijekom kliničkog ispitivanja, čime se postupno smanjuju troškovi svih željenih procesa PRIJAVOM može se vršiti regrutovanje i zadržavanje pacijenata s CTi-PRR jer CTi- PRR aplikacija moći će upravljati zapošljavanjem i zadržavanjem pacijenata na kliničkim ispitivanjima, pružajući portal za identifikaciju pacijenta i proizvesti niz upozorenja, a sve se temelje na prediktivnim analizama,integrirajući svu logistiku u nekoliko klikova koji će vremenom postati učinkoviti u signalizaciji pacijenta koji i vi riskirate da će odustati od studija, jer CTi-SIM APP može lako upravljati zapošljavanjem medicinskih istraživača, svi će biti u mogućnosti provoditi klinička ispitivanja i upravljati simboličnom nadoknadom plaćanja farmaceutske tvrtke istraživačima, što je pokrenuto prekretnicama utemeljenim na podacima i KPI-jem, definiranim u Intelligence Clinical Trials, sve na jednostavan način jer ClinTex namjerava poboljšati smanjenje troškova i čini čitav proces učinkovitsvi će moći provoditi klinička ispitivanja i upravljati simboličnom naknadom plaćanja farmaceutske tvrtke istraživačima, što je pokrenuto temeljem podataka utemeljenim na podacima i KPI-jem, definiranim u Intelligence Clinical Trials, sve na jednostavan način jer ClinTex namjerava poboljšati smanjenje troškova i čini cijeli proces efikasnimsvi će moći provoditi klinička ispitivanja i upravljati simboličnom naknadom plaćanja farmaceutske tvrtke istraživačima, što je pokrenuto prekretnicama utemeljenim na podacima i KPI, definiranim u Intelligence Clinical Trials, sve na jednostavan način jer ClinTex namjerava poboljšati smanjenje troškova i čini cijeli proces efikasnim

CTi Pe-Sale

Trenutno je u tijeku pretprodaja tokija CTi koja će trajati do 25. rujna 2020. 50% popusta dostupan je za sve zainteresirane investitore @ cijena od 0,05 USD / po tokenu. 10% CTi ukupne ponude ponuđeno je na prodaju u javnost . Javna prodaja započet će u listopadu 2020., uz malo povećanje cijene od 0,10 USD po jedinici CTi-ja. Globalna farmaceutska industrija je industrija koja proizvodi više trilijuna dolara, a predviđa se da ClinTex ima tržišnu procjenu svake godine u iznosu od 350 000 000 000 USD. Uvjeravam vas da je ovo jedan od najboljih industrijskih i najperspektivnijih projekata godine 2020. Ne propustite. Budite dio nečeg ogromnog.


Token - CLX

Platforma - Ethereum

Tip - ERC20

Cijena u ICO - 1 CLX = 0,1 USD

Podaci o ulaganju

Prihvaćanje - BTC, ETH

Distribuirano u ICO - 50%

Meka kapa - 2.000.000 USD

Tvrda kapa - 10.000.000 USD


Neill Barron, direktor Službe za kliničke podatke

Brendan O'Mainnin - direktor operacija

Samandip Dhesi - liječnik

John McCabe - šef pravnih i regulatornih tijela

Edward Burke - vodeći programer

Stanislav Sheliakin - vodeći DLT poslovni arhitekt

Sean Flanagan - šef poslovnog razvoja

Ethan Diamant - šef kliničke službe

Philip O'Neill - UX / UI sa prednjim krajem

Graham Stone - stvaralac sadržaja


Sheraz Majeed - savjetnik za medicinsku tehnologiju

Binod Nirvan - savjetnik za tehnologiju Blockchain-a

Stefan Bergström - strateški poslovni savjetnik

Ihor Pidruchny - savjetnik za razvoj blockchaina

Sean Comiskey - savjetnik za tehnološki inženjering

Omar Zerafa - pravni savjetnik






Gotem akan menjadi platform yang melalui blockchain akan menawarkan cara penelitian terdesentralisasi dengan cara ini, Gotem bermaksud membantu memperoleh dan membiayai misi tertentu untuk semua kepentingan tertentu karena dengan cara ini Gotem akan memenuhi semua tujuan sehingga semua orang akan dapat membiayai pertahanan global, sebagai industri keamanan dan upaya kemanusiaan, Gotem akan memberdayakan individu, semua komunitas, dan industri dan semua negara di seluruh dunia sehingga Gotem akan berkontribusi secara efektif karena akan memungkinkan semua penggunanya untuk menemukan dan mengakses, dan mempekerjakan simpatisan atau penjaga keamanan untuk misi tertentu dan setiap orang akan mampu mendanai untuk melaksanakan misi dan memperoleh hasil yang diinginkan,karena dana untuk semua kasus dan misi tertentu dapat dibiayai secara kolektif melalui kontraktor swasta akan dapat mengajukan permohonan untuk menangani kasus dan misi, dengan Kontributor untuk misi karena mereka akan menggunakan sistem pemungutan suara

untuk memutuskan kontraktor mana yang akan digunakan, sehingga akan sepenuhnya transparan karena sistem pemungutan suara dan penilaian platform Gotem akan mendemokratisasi ekosistem, karena platform akan bertindak untuk memastikan perlindungan dan keamanan yang lebih baik melalui platform peer-to-peer yang sepenuhnya terdesentralisasi, Gotem akan izinkan crowdfunding, pemungutan suara, dan pertaruhan Gotem ingin membawa kesejahteraan global kepada semua orang dengan mendesentralisasi pendanaan melalui platform terdesentralisasi, hal itu tidak dapat ditutup dari otoritas atau kelompok kepentingan khusus karena Gotem akan membuat diversifikasi sumber daya menjadi mudah dan kenyataan membuat perubahan global di mana setiap orang berpartisipasi dalam kontribusi untuk Gotem dengan prototipe fungsionalnya karena siap diluncurkan di Gotem dan tim teknisnya.Ini meramalkan bahwa gerakannya akan mengubah cara semua orang berinteraksi dan melakukan kehidupan mereka karena akan memfasilitasi dan membuatnya transparan sekali dan untuk semua jadi untuk informasi lebih lanjut Silakan kunjungi situs web dan baca buku putih untuk detail teknis lebih lanjut


di Platform Gotem semua orang dapat memposting kasus mendesak mereka yang terkait dengan penyelidikan pribadi, atau pertahanan, keamanan dunia maya, dan bantuan kemanusiaan, dan banyak lagi karena platform Gotem akan memungkinkan siapa saja untuk mencari dan menyewa penyelidik swasta, keamanan pribadi, dan detektif virtual dari di seluruh dunia. dunia jarak jauh, sehingga semua orang biasa dan peneliti berlisensi juga dapat memberikan layanan penelitian atau membantu dalam menemukan informasi atau pemecahan masalah dengan cara yang mudah, menguntungkan dan rahasia karena siapa pun yang memiliki keterampilan pencarian Internet sederhana dapat dengan mudah mengetahui setiap orang dapat membantu memecahkan banyak masalah karena mereka akan menemukan diri mereka di platform Gotem karena semua orang dari seluruh dunia yang pada gilirannya membutuhkan informasi spesifik tentang seseorang, organisasi, atau produk berwujud,



Konsepsi MeetMySpy - pasar online untuk menyewa penyelidik pribadi dan keamanan pribadi dari jarak jauh di mana pun di dunia. Mendaftar ke Inkubator Stadion Startup Taiwan untuk startup.


MeetMySpy memulai debutnya dengan stan di Techcrunch Disrupt - San Francisco. Platform ditampilkan di Forbes, Buzzfeed, BeFast TV, dan NYC Media Labs.


Diwawancarai oleh Andrew Ng dari CBS Interactive. MeetMySpy menghasilkan ribuan kasus di seluruh dunia. Dari penyelidikan kasus mulai dari orang hilang, penipuan, pencurian digital, perselingkuhan, tindak pidana kekerasan, penculikan, korupsi, hingga keamanan publik. Detektif Pribadi dari lebih dari 60 negara mendaftar untuk memberikan layanan di platform.


MeetMySpy diterima untuk tampil di booth di Thailand Startup Tech Convention. Bermitra dengan Karma Bhutia untuk mengubah nama MeetMySpy menjadi GotEM.


Desain ulang Gotem dan implementasi token ETH untuk Kontrak Cerdas. Merekrut anggota tim dan bermitra dengan berbagai eksekutif untuk perluasan dan pengembangan.


Peluncuran Q2 platform beta dinamis. Penerimaan dalam Inkubator Inovasi Bersama AWS di Startup Terrace di New Taipei City. Sebagai bagian dari program inkubasi AWS 2020.



Kamis, 13 Agustus 2020



Wissens- und Lernplattform

Der Erwerb von Wissen wird immer wichtiger.

Im Jahr 2020 hat fast jeder Mensch auf der Welt Zugang zum Internet. Dies macht es einfach, Online-Geschäfte aufzubauen, neue Fähigkeiten zu erlernen und sogar andere zu unterrichten. Es gibt bereits viele Mentoren und auch Plattformen, die beide zusammenbringen – Schüler und Lehrer. Worin besteht also der Unterschied zu clipX? Wir bieten eine Plattform, die es ermöglicht, Videos auf einfache Weise anzuschauen. Unabhängig davon, auf welchem Gerät, können Videos in Apps für TV, Tablett, Smartphone und Desktop angesehen werden. Außerdem können die Videos sowohl mit Kryptowährung oder auch mit Fiatgeld bezahlt werden, so dass Menschen, die keinen Zugang zu einem Bankkonto haben, neue Fähigkeiten erlernen können. In einer späteren Version werden wir die Plattform auch dezentral anbieten, dies wird die Einschränkungen und Vorschriften bestimmter Länder reduzieren und auch die Plattform demokratisieren.

clipX Token

Pre Sale: 58M Token

Hard Cap (Main Sale): 72M Token

Token verteiler: clipX GmbH (Germany)

Tokens Verteilung: 24 hours after claiming


Token Pre Sale 36,25%

Token Main Sale 45%

Team und Gründer 3,75%

Rücklagen 10%

Marketing and Bounty 5%


Produktentwicklung 22%

Geschäftsentwicklung 20%

Marketing 38%

Rechtliches und Regulierungen 12%

Mitarbeiter 8%

Pre Sale

July 15 - August 15


ICO Phase I

August 16 - August 24


ICO Phase II

August 25 - September 02



September 03 - September 15



2016 Q3

Idee wurde geboren


Planung und Testen

Planung der Plattform

Strategischer Planentwurf

Erstellung der Testumgebung



Entwicklung und Abklärung rechtlichen Aspekte mit unseren Anwälten

ICO Regulationsprüfung

2019 Q1

clipX Firma

Gründung der clipX GmbH

Schaffung von strategischen Partnerschaften

Rechtliche Abstimmungen mit unseren Anwälten

2019 Q2

ICO Entwicklung

ERC20 Token Smart Contract Entwicklung

ICO Website Design

ICO Investmentplattform Entwicklung

2019 Q1 - 2020 Q2


Rechtliche Klärung, durch

WINHELLER, um den Start

der ICO in die wege zu


2020 Q2

ICO Marketing

Artikel auf bekannten Kryptomagazinen

Bounty Kampagne

Airdrops und Herausforderungen

Herausforderungen auf sozialen Medien

2020 Q3

ICO Verkauf


Main Sale

2021 Q1


Entwicklung der clipX Plattform

Marketing der clipX Plattform

2021 Q3

Plattform Veröffentlichung

Finale Veröffentlichung der clipX Plattform

Expansion und Vergrößerung

Executive team

Toni Ora - CEO

Jacob Riege - Technical Engineer

Rasel Mahmud - UI/UX Developer

Sakil Mahmud Molla - Web Developer


Nishant Chadha - Community Management

Tobi Obembe - Community Management

Philips Shah - Digital Marketing Manager

SR Mehedi - Digital & Affiliate Marketing


Anthony Lange - Technical & Blockchain Advisor

Maurice Sobiera - Technical Advisor



News & Media

Cocos BCX


Problems Expected to be Solved by Cocos-BCX

Our goal is to provide an improved and easy-to-use blockchain gaming infrastructure for game developers, including a visualized development kit and an on-chain ecosystem. Developers can develop blockchain games directly in a graphical way without the need to solve any blockchain technical problems, which greatly lowers the barriers and raises the efficiency.

Our aim is to provide game players a just, fair and open game environment with transparent data and clear rules, which is free from item drops caused by behind-the-scenes manipulations and revulsive consumption, enabling players to save their assets in a permanent, secure and decentralized way.

At the same time, we hope to help developers and players ensure a consistent benefit for developers through the economic model of digital assets supported by blockchain technology: To help the developers assetize the contents they produce for sustainable earnings from the use, management and circulation of the content assets, and provide convenient and decentralized channels for game distribution; To help players convert the data generated by the time and energy they spend and items obtained through consumption into assets that can be safely stored, managed and circulated, giving players the rights to commercialize them

Blockchain Ecosystem and Digital Assets Ar e One of the Economic Development Dir ections with a Value Base

Since 2019, discussions on blockchains and digital currencies have gradually expanded from technology to economics, sociology, politics and many other sectors. The public are more concerned about the impact of blockchain on social development and the role of digital currency in world economic activities. Under the circumstances of bottlenecks in global technological progress, rising resource consumption, an aging population, and increased geopolitical conflicts, the government-led approach to productivity in some regions or industries is likely to change. The corresponding monetary system may also change from “government - fiat currency” to “non-government productivity organizers - multiple consensus currency”. We believe that the decentralized social forms based on blockchain technology and economic mechanism will be the outcome of production order transformation in some regions, populations and industries in some period of the future, which is the value base for the blockchain economics and the existence of digital currencies.

Compared with traditional physical assets, digital assets are more vital due to the blockchain mechanism. In the digital economy, people are the absolute dominant factor of productivity. While the production, use and distribution of digital assets can form a closed loop on the blockchain, which is more independent of the centralized resource allocator. On the other hand, the decentralized digital content can be maintained in a single or multiple blockchain ecosystems(s), and be publicly and fairly priced, thus becoming a truly “digital asset” with independent property rights, and creating new business models and social values.

Among the various types of decentralized applications, game is one of those fields with the most mature development model, highest rate of commercialization, and broadest base of developers and users. In the first phase of this project, our goal is to conduct R&D to solve existing problems in the field of blockchain games


Ticker: COCOS 

Token type: ERC20 

ICO Token Price: 1 COCOS = 0.0023 USD

Fundraising Goal: $3,670,000

Total Tokens: 100,000,000,000 

Available for Token Sale: 16.1%



Candela Coin

 Candela Coin


All across the world the new energy consumer wants comfort, security, a more engaging relationship, and a promising future for energy production. A democratized energy marketplace is the only way to achieve this promise, and the Candela Coin team has developed a key piece of this paradigm shift. With Candela Coin, we are reimagining the customer’s role in, and access to, increasingly open and competitive solar electricity markets. The energy market is currently facing challenges with its centralized conventional power stations and grid that require high costs to maintain. This means higher costs for the consumer. The existing electricity and power model will not be able to keep up with the increasing electricity demand with its centralized grid and infrastructure. Costs will rise dramatically. Consumption is expected to more than double by 2050. A paradigm shift is necessary. A shift to decentralized solar powered microgrids made up of people is what we are building. We want communities to create their own decentralized solar energy. 

Blockchain technology can benefit and accelerate the shift to solar energy. It fits perfectly into the renewable energy sector because it allows direct peer-to-peer transactions between users, and offers transparency and local energy self-sustainability. This project aims to create truly decentralized solar energy across the globe made up of we the people, instead of the power companies or middlemen. This will allow peer to peer production and transfer of solar energy. Utilizing blockchain technology allows us to create seamless production and peer to peer transfer of solar energy. We share many things with those in our community. There is constant exchange and interaction with those around us. The one thing we haven't been able to share is the very thing needed to make any of it happen: Energy

This will reduce disruptions caused by incidents hundreds of miles away such as hurricanes and leave you unaffected. While the rest of the city may lose power, your family and community will be okay. Energy decentralization and democratization has come. Embrace it. In this paper, we link the technical value domains to the services that consumers, prosumers and third parties can provide to one another and to the electric power system


Ditch the grid with Candela Coin! Candela Coin is a token that allows holders to take part in the groundfloor phase of decentralized solar energy and a blockchain based peer-to-peer energy transfer platform. People across the globe will be able to transfer solar energy to others in their communities using candela coin as a medium of exchange. Blockchainbased peer-to-peer transfer allows users to buy, sell, or store solar power allowing energy to be more accessible and sustainable for the world. Our vision is to decentralize and democratize the consumption, transfer, and production of solar energy. With Candela coin, we remove the need for large monopolies and power companies that control the price and supply of the power we rely on, putting the power back in the hands of we the people. 

The age of transactive energy in the sharing economy is upon us, and its wide spread adoption depends on a secure and robust means for rewarding participation. Digitization is coming to the energy industry as many key network, sensor, computing and communication technologies make it possible to drive decentralization of the electric grid and energy market. Tokenization will play a vital role in securely exchanging grid edge data between users and devices, safely opening up the electric power market to broad participation. Peer-to-peer exchange of energy is upon us!


The energy market is currently facing challenges with its centralized conventional power stations and grid that require high costs to maintain. This means higher costs for the consumer. The existing electricity and power model will not be able to keep up with the increasing electricity demand with its centralized grid infrastructure. Costs will rise dramatically. Consumption is expected to more than double by 2050. Many problems we face also include power company monopolies and duopolies, poor service or non functional service during times of crisis, inclement weather, or in developing areas. There are also the issues that stem from government regulations. With the power companies if you don't pay for monthly service your power is shut off. With candela you use what you buy. It's like going to the grocery store. Get power without a power company. 

If a prosumer wants to sell their excess solar energy back to the grid, they are given cents on the dollar. Our solution woud allow them to get more money for their excess solar energy as well as reduce the costs for the consumer. Our economies run on energy, but the current energy system is costly and inefficient. Creating useful energy is one of the dirtiest and most wasteful things we do, from mining, refining and burning fuel, to transporting electricity across long transmission and distribution lines. In the US, some estimates show an 86 percent inefficiency in converting and transporting energy into the useful product that powers modern lifestyles and economic productivity. This creates unintended and costly health and environmental challenges, from asthma to climate change, and a significant loss of economic value. It turns out that the U.S. economy is not especially energy efficient. Of the total high-quaity energy consumed to support economic activity in 2010, only 14 percent was converted into useful work. In other words, the American economy wasted 86 percent of all the energy used that year in the production of goods and services. One can easily imagine that waste of this magnitude creates an array of costs that weakens the nation's economic and social well-being. This problem has emerged because in the current power sector business models, utilities use outdated constructs of its consumers as rate payers; missing the opportunity and value only a customer can provide. Companies earn revenue based on producing energy at the center of the utility grid, in large power plants, and pushing it to the grid edge where it “serves the load” as it is consumed. Companies generating and distributing power are accustomed to roughly 10 percent returns on their capital investment. This model locks in profitability for regulated electricity companies, but discourages innovation and saddles consumers with decades of legacy costs. 

In newly-electrifying countries, a centralized grid is too costly and sluggish for the needs of the one billion people without energy access today. As demand grows, it also becomes more distributed. It is harder and more costly to predict and balance supply and demand while lacking visibility into millions of new consumer devices and distributed energy resources popping up at the grid edge. These trends are tearing apart existing utility business models and spooking shareholders and analysts alike.


Get power without a power company. We propose that the answer to these mounting concerns is Candela, a blockchain based system that functions across connected hardware (IoT devices), a token system for transactive energy (Candela Coin), and a foundation that advances market design and technology in tandem.

We want communities across the world to create their own decentralized solar energy. Individuals in the community will own their solar panels and can sell their excess energy to others in the community. We envision that people with solar panels, small and large, will all be able to contribute electricity to the Candela system. If a user wants to sell their solar energy back to the grid, they are given cents on the dollar. Our solution would allow them to get more money for their solar energy as well as reduce the costs for the purchaser.

Candela uses an IoT metering device that runs blockchain technology, giving it capabilities not currently available in many energy markets. First, it shows solar panel owners how much energy they’re producing, rather than having them trust the local utility to calculate the amount. The blockchain also enables the direct transfer of energy between users and dramatically reduces the costs of such transactions. The community marketplace solution offers a compelling way for users in a community to buy and sell solar energy. Users can easily make an offer, create a budget, or even sell their own power on the marketplace. 

Candela can manage the flow of electricity and the exchange of energy within electric power systems through the formation and delivery of pricing signals, use of predictive analytics and automation of activities, which reflect true cost of local service. This can all happen behind the scenes, at the machine-to-machine level. The system unlocks value to be assembled in new ways and priced appropriately. Transactive energy, properly implemented, represents the fairest allocation of risk and reward enabling new business models that provide services to participants. By rewarding efficiency and flexibility, the system has the potential to activate value for customers and create new ways to manage and invest in the responsive grid of the future, which is beneficial in developed economies, and it can be transformative in newly electrifying ones. Candela can provide a wide range of benefits throughout the electricity market and ecosystem. In addition to clear value for market participants (described in detail further below), Key outcomes include:

Efficient and adaptive market pricing

Improved system reliability and flexibility

Pathway for technological innovation

Improved balance of risk and reward for asset owners

A rich, interactive future for an energy industry serving informed communities

Token info

Ticker: CLA

Platform: Ethereum

Token Type: ERC-20

Available for sale: 95,000,000 CLA (76%)

Total supply: 125,000,000 CLA

Token Distribution


TEAM 20%











Markaccy MarketPlace

Pasar Markaccy adalah Platform Freelance yang mengutamakan kepentingan terbaik pembeli dan penjual. Pengguna Markaccy Marketplace dapat menemukan spektrum lengkap layanan profesional dengan berbagai metode untuk menghubungkan pembeli dan penjual. Kami mempromosikan lingkungan yang fleksibel dan jujur ​​dengan memungkinkan pengguna menetapkan persyaratan mereka sendiri.

Pasar Markaccy menawarkan biaya yang jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan pesaing kita. Pasar markaccy akan berfungsi secara ketat dengan menggunakan token MKCY. Karena keunggulan model ini, kami menetapkan tarif tetap transparan hanya 5% untuk semua transaksi yang dilakukan di platform.

Bersama-sama Kita Akan Merevolusi Kepercayaan, Transparansi, Dan Keuntungan.

Markaccy mengantar era baru kesetaraan keuangan, transparansi, dan praktik bisnis yang adil yang menciptakan nilai unik bagi semua pengguna akhir. Ini mencapai ini dengan menghubungkan pengguna dari berbagai sektor di platform blockchain kami untuk menumbuhkan hubungan yang menguntungkan yang memotong gangguan dari agensi, perantara, perbedaan, kesalahan yang tidak perlu, dan penipuan.

Hasil akhir bagi pengguna akhir adalah sistem berbasis kepercayaan yang memecahkan masalah dengan kecepatan dan keandalan serta menjamin penggunaan sumber daya yang langka secara optimal untuk mencapai keuntungan yang diinginkan.



Markaccy MarketPlace adalah platform freelance yang memungkinkan pembeli dan penjual terhubung dengan aman untuk tujuan transaksi bisnis. Token Markaccy digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran.


Dompet Markaccy memungkinkan pengguna akhir kami untuk dengan mudah membeli, menyimpan, mengirim dan menerima Mata Uang Kripto.


Markaccy Mainnet adalah jaringan blockchain kami yang ditingkatkan yang mampu menyimpan dan mengiklankan transaksi dalam buku besar terdistribusi terbuka. Ini juga mendukung teknologi komponen yang menawarkan solusi lintas fungsi untuk berbagai masalah.


Sistem penambangan otomatis Markaccy memungkinkan pengguna untuk mendapatkan total 10% bonus Token MKCY setiap tahun hanya dengan menyetorkan dan menyimpan Markaccy di dompet mereka.


Pasar Platform Layanan Markaccy

Platform Marketplace Layanan Markaccy akan menyatukan semua industri dengan mulus dan menyediakan akses tanpa batas ke sejumlah besar layanan profesional melalui proses pemesanan yang real time, efisien, transparan, dan sederhana tanpa biaya tersembunyi, biaya transaksi, atau biaya komisi.

Tingkat perusahaan dan individu yang beralih ke pasar layanan online dan pemberi pinjaman gratis untuk menemukan penyedia profesional belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya dan terus meningkat. Terlepas dari strategi individu atau bisnis, mereka akan selalu membutuhkan layanan eksternal untuk mendukung proses inti mereka.

Platform Marketplace Layanan Markaccy akan menawarkan peluang yang adil bagi semua orang yang terlibat langsung dalam outsourcing dan penyediaan layanan, menghilangkan penarikan dan pengeluaran tambahan saat ini yang saat ini terkait.

Tujuan kami adalah untuk memfasilitasi lingkungan dengan kualitas tertinggi untuk semua aspek baik untuk penyedia dan penerima layanan dengan memprioritaskan mereka yang terlibat langsung. Kami percaya pada pendekatan yang transparan dan adil dengan menyediakan alat, keamanan, daya saing, dan kebebasan finansial yang tepat bagi pembeli dan penjual.

Pasar Platform Layanan Markaccy: Aspek Fungsional

Pasar Platform Layanan Markaccy memungkinkan penjual dan pembeli untuk terhubung pada platform yang mencakup spektrum lengkap layanan profesional sambil secara signifikan mengurangi biaya dan biaya yang terkait dengan pasar platform layanan online terpusat yang ada.

Informasi Token Markaccy

Tidak ada teks alternatif untuk gambar ini

Kontrak: 0xF3281c539716a08c754EC4C8F2B4cEe0faB64BB9

Simbol: MKCY

Desimal: 18

Total Pasokan: 100.000.000,00 MKCY

Rincian Distribusi Token



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Pengujian Beta Pribadi Market place


K4 2020 / K1 2021

Luncurkan di Exchange

K4 2020 / K1 2021

Peluncuran Markaccy Market Place

K4 2020 / K1 2021

Peluncuran Program Referral

2021 Q2 / Q3

Pengembangan Dompet


Pengembangan Markaccy Exchange

Pengembangan setelah peluncuran dompet Markaccy


Pengembangan Self Mining

Pengembangan setelah peluncuran dompet Markaccy

Pengembangan Markaccy Mainnet

Pengembangan setelah peluncuran Markaccy Exchange & Markaccy Self-Mining

Anggota tim

