Senin, 29 Maret 2021

Mozart Finance project?

Mozart Finance project?

Mozart Finance

Mozart finance is a Binance Smart Chain based Defi project providing a world of opportunities for a user to earn maximum income. It aims to provide services that will make it thrive above its peers in the BSC network and Defi sphere in general.


Among the services that Mozart finance will inculcate include yield farming, staking, and exchanges. Moreover, it will later implant lending, betting, and multiple other benefits. The idea is not to replace the existing platform but to provide a more robust, faster, more secure, scalable, and convenient alternative for investors.


Mozart Finance Token

Mozart has a unique BEP-20 native token dubbed PIANO for securing the network in the long term. This token will serve as the primary payment currency, serving as a base for some liquidity pools. However, there will be other pairs with other assets. Moreover, investors will have the freedom to stake the PIANO tokens and await rewards.


The PIANO token prices will be stable and deflationary owing to the policies instituted. The deflationary feature will be achieved by leveraging the following;


This platform will be burning 1% of the tokens from every transaction in a perpetual nature. This burning will help ensure the number of tokens circulating is balanced.


The deposit fee charged will also help in bolstering the token's deflationary aspect. 50% of these deposit fees paid will buy back the PIANO tokens


The platform will be decreasing the emission rates between the first and third week. After the third week, the emission rate will remain 0.25 PIANO per block permanently.


The Platform’s Features

Mozart finance embeds many features to help investors earn, with the first having being discussed above- yield farming and staking.


However, the platform will be introducing other excellent services like;


Decentralized betting- crypto-based gambling is gaining momentum today. Mozart is introducing a blockchain-based lottery system.


NFT- Non-fungible tokens have made vast growth in 2021 and will grow further in the future. Mozart aims to be part of that disruption by introducing NFT support in the future.


Top functional exchange platform- Mozart network will also be embedding an exchange network for investors trading benefits.


Crypto lending platform- In future, the platform will implant a lending platform and allow investors to earn interest at reasonable rates.


According to the platform's medium page, community involvement is one of its future priorities.

IFO partnering with other vital projects

Contract Audits for Investment Security

Mozart platform also introduces the platform's auditing to ensure the system remains highly dependable and convenient for users. Already the first audit of the platform's smart contract was completed a few days ago by ImmuneBytes.


Immunebytes is a startup blockchain security platform focusing on audits of smart contracts, security consulting, and penetration testing. The audits of Mozart's systems by ImmuneBytes have shown much success; thus, it's true that users' security will be top-notch.


However, according to the recent release, the only audited section of the platform is the PIANO token audit. The platform is still working to receive three other reviews for their contracts in a few days. Presale should last a maximum of 5 days, but all pools will launch only when the audits are returned and affirmed.


PIANO Presale Tokenomics

The platform has set up a great token economics structure to ensure the public will have excellent access to the token and maintain the platform's reliability. The original total supply of these tokens is 9.6 million, but currently, the minted tokens are 100,000 PIANO. These tokens will be participating in the initial launch of the pre-sale phase. Here is how the tokes are apportioned;


55% of the tokens(55,000) will be sold in the public presale.

40% of the tokens (40,000) are going into liquidity lockers

The last 5,000 tokens(5%) will go to the platform's marketing and advertising.

27.5 PIANO tokens are equal to 1BNB token. Mozart finance sets the soft cap at 22,000 PIANO, equivalent to 800 BNB. The hard cap is 55,000 PIANO, similar to 2000BNB.

During this presale, every wallet can purchase a minimum of 0.2BNB and a maximum of 20BNB worth of PIANO.


Mozart finance already completed their presale and hit their hard cap of 2000BNB in 5 minutes. It's clear that investors are already noticing the great prospects of this token and the platform in general.


Invest in Mozart.Finance

The Mozart platform is soon launching as one of the most advanced BSC-based Defi networks with vast benefits. The platform will be launching with liquidity lockers for secure yield farming, staking and general investing.


Mozart will have its native token, PIANO, which will help run the platform's activities over time. The platform institutes various policies to ensure PIANO remains deflationary. Thus investors will always feel safe over their investments.


The platform is audited by ImmuneByte, one of the best blockchain auditors to strengthen the platform's security. Already the token is proven safe, but soon other reviews about the platform will be released. Mozart won't start any yield farming till the audit reviews are released to assure investors of top security.


The platform is launching soon, therefore every investor should be ready to enjoy the benefits.

This is really happening! After our PIANO was successfully reviewed, we will announce exact time & date of the presale very soon, sooner then you think!

1 BNB = 27.5 PIANO



Maximum per wallet: 20 BNB

Minimum per wallet: 0.2 BNB


Ticker: PIANO

Contract : link

Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20)

Starting supply: 100.000 tokens

Public presale: 55.000 tokens

Liquidity lock: 40.000 tokens

Marketing: 5.000 tokens


Deflationary mechanism:
1% of every transaction will be burned
50% of the deposit fee will be used to buy back PIANO


Piano Farms
How to participate in farms to earn high yield rewards?
Choose a Token Pair. 

After choosing a token pair to farm, you must then obtain both through the Exchange. The SWAP process only takes a few seconds. Be aware that investing $100 in the any farm pair must be split 50-50 between two pairs, you need to add liquidity for both.

Add liquidity. 

Then next step before you can join the farm pertains to liquidity. You add liquidity to the system by converting BUSD and BNB into BUSD-BNB LP tokens.

LP tokens in your wallet should appear (check picture above). 

After this step you will be ready to stake LP tokens to any of our farm pairs. To withdraw LP tokens repeat the same process backwards.


Native farms - 0% deposit fee:
PIANO-BNB (35x rewards)
PIANO-BUSD (25x rewards)
PIANO-CAKE (10x rewards)


Other farm pairs - 4% deposit fee:
BUSD-BNB (4x rewards)
USDC-BUSD (2x rewards)
CAKE-BNB (2x rewards)
LINK-BNB (2x rewards)


Deposit fee
Non Piano farms will have 4% deposit fee.

We will use the deposits fees to buyback Piano token and to add more liquidity to our pools & farms!


Distribution of 4% fee -  Purpose
2%:  Buyback & burn

1%:  Liquidity to farms

0.75%:  Liquidity to pools

0.25%:  Developers wallet



Urgent priority

Deployment of smart contracts
Unique burn mechanism
AUDIT before launch (Immunebytes)
Liquidity lock
High APR% gains

High priority

Second audit after the launch (in first 2-3 weeks)
Lottery as never seen before
Mozart NFT's

Medium priority

Decentralized betting
IFO (in partnership with other projects)
Fully operational exchange
Community ideas


Social media of project:




Official telegram groups:

English chat:


Espanol chat:




Forum Username: Osric Caesar Nohan

Forum Profile Link:;u=2691292

Telegram Username:

ETH Wallet Address: 0x5DeA7D2B033CD377CE8410855900c342e65B2842

Rabu, 24 Maret 2021

Boom Crypto Market

Boom kripto tržište


TRŽIŠTE BOOM CRYPTO je decentralizirana platforma kojoj je cilj donijeti transparentnost industriji kriptovaluta i blockchain-a, kao i pružiti korisnicima, trgovcima, investitorima i institucijama dovoljno informacija za donošenje informiranijih odluka.


BOOM CRYPTO MARKET NAMIJENJEN je za smanjenje roaming poteškoća s više ljudi. Tim je došao na ideju da unese transparentnost u prostor kriptovaluta, kako bi potaknuo više ljudi da uđu u blockchain industriju znajući da mogu obavljati transakcije u svemiru bez brige kome vjerovati. Ideja je u velikoj mjeri pokrenuta potrebom da se riješimo lažnog kriptoverza, tapiserija, prijevara i loših glumaca općenito.


Bilo koji realan izvršni direktor, korisnik, investitor, trgovac ili strastveni promatrač kriptovalute
koji je već neko vrijeme u sustavu može potvrditi činjenicu da prostor kriptovaluta treba razum kad je u pitanju transparentnost.


No, lansiranjem projekta tržišta kriptovaluta, budući da će holistički pristup transparentnosti u blockchain industriji biti na dohvat ruke zajednici. Tim je spreman predstaviti proizvod svjetske klase koji će služiti prostoru blockchaina i kriptovaluta, s nišom koju treba nadmašiti već postoji profesionalna platforma koja nema pametne ugovore između davatelja usluga i kupaca.


Boom Crypto Market bit će platforma za okupljanje profesionalaca iz svih
sfera života koji će se sa zadovoljstvom pouzdati u povjerenje ukazano u platformi kako bi izvršili sigurnu nabavu bez brige o prirodi
druge strane.


IDEA je maksimizirati prijevare iz blockchain i kriptovalute i pružiti pouzdanu svjetsku nebankarsku populaciju, slobodni sektor, te davatelje usluga i kupce na daljinu.


TRŽIŠTE BOY CRYPTO POSTAVLJAT ĆE Sljedeće osujećene usluge;


Boom Crypto Market pružit će funkcionalnost ulaganja, što će omogućiti korisnicima da ulože BCM tokene na platformu.

Zarada od ostalih kriptovaluta bit će proporcionalna
posjedovanju BCM tokena izračunatoj na platformi na temelju interne formule koja
će se otkriti zajednici nakon pokretanja tromjesečja.


Platforma Boom Crypto Market pružit će decentralizirane usluge pružajući platformu za kupce i prodavače robe za interakciju bez ikakvih prekida od trećih strana.

Ograničenja su uvijek bila pitanje povjerenja između uključenih strana i to je ograničilo velik dio korporacijskog svijeta, posebno blockchain industriju.

Platforma Boom Crypto Market osigurat će da se na platformi ne pruža nijedna
plaćena usluga bez dokaza dviju uključenih strana koja
dokazuju završetak ugovora.

One of the benefits of this marketplace is that it helps beginners
find and interact quickly with industry leaders and experts as service buyers find the best professionals working for them, place identity verification responsibility on the Boom Crypto Market platform and smooth contract settlement on smart contracts. we.


Jedan od problema s kojim se suočava kriptovaluta i blockchain prostor je nedostatak točnih informacija, čini se da se na mnogim mjestima događa puno manipulacija. Platforma Boom Crypto tržišta imat će značajke poput povijesti trgovanja, knjige narudžbi i
dnevnog volumena i ukupnog ostvarenog, trenutni volumen trgovanja, aktivna
platforma za trgovanje i još mnogo toga za bilo koju žeton ili P2P registriranu trgovinsku burzu.
To će biti platforma na kojoj će na jednoj platformi biti dostupne sve dostupne informacije o bilo kojem sredstvu ili projektu.

Platforma Boom Crypto Market popisat će dostupne, vjerodostojne i aktivne projekte kriptovaluta.

kako bi pomogli pružateljima usluga
uslugama za kupce s povjerenjem, dok kupcima usluga pomažu da dođu do pružatelja usluga, BCM tokeni koji su osnovni tokeni koji osnažuju platformu Boom Crypto Market koristit će se za naknade za sve transakcije izvršene na platformi.

Kupci i prodavači usluga mogu odlučiti platiti ili primiti BUSD, BNB, MOR ili BCM plaćanja. Naknade za transakcije bit će plaćene u BCM, BNB, BUSD ili MOR, ovisno o tome što korisnik odabere.

BCM tokeni mogu se koristiti i za plaćanje usluga ponuđenih na

Ostale kriptovalute poput BUSD-a, BNB-a, MOR-a i trenutno
integrirane, uključujući fiat-ove, bit će dostupne za pohranu i razmjenu
BCM-a na platformi koja će se koristiti za transakcije i naknade za obradu.

TOKENOMIKA Boom Crypto Market -
Ukupna ponuda  poslovnog modela - 100 000BCM

SoftCap - 300BNB 

Tvrda kapica - 3.000BNB 

Ulog i LP - 35% 

Marketing - 10% 

Razvoj - 10% 

Pretprodaja - 25% 

Tim - zaključan (5%) 

Likvidnost i razmjene - 15% 


Mapa puta

Q1 Kovanje tokena i formiranje tima

Q2 Pokretanje platforme za
listing 2021

Q2 Pokretanje tržišta

Q2 Polog i zamjena Fiata

Q2 Partnerstvo i uvrštavanje na burze

Q2 Pokretanje platforme za zalaganje

Q3 Nagrade s više kripto imovine

Q4 Pokretanje mobilne aplikacije

Boom Crypto Market je brzorastući Defi projekt, s profesionalnim tržištem i popisom imovine kriptovaluta, kao i IDO platformom koju podržavaju izvorni BCM tokeni, a projekt Boom Crypto iskoristio je Blockchainov eksponencijalni rast i pomaže investitorima da pronađu SaFu kriptovalute u svemiru.



Za više informacija









Korisničko ime za Bitcointalk: Osric Caesar Nohan

Bitcointalk url:;u=2691292

XX Platform

XX Platform


XX Platform is a system that combines a multifunctional cabinet with investment elements and a trading service with a set of analytical tools and an asset management program. This is an attempt to rethink the concept of classic hedge funds, implementing it in the form of an automated investment trading platform.

XX Platform is designed for investors who want to find a compromise between reliable placement and high return on investment. Our goal is to create a platform that will be able to minimize risks while maintaining investment attractiveness. The XXP team has established itself ambitious plans to create an independent investment platform that will become a reliable guide for investors in the world of finance.


Launching any fintech startup requires resources: time and money. We understand that the independent development of the XX Platform will take many years till its release. That is why our team decided to raise funds from private investors.


In order not to contradict with our concept of decentralization and libertarianism, we turned down proposals from large investment funds in favor of attracting funds from private investors. The team has decided to issue their own cryptocurrency – XX Platform token (stock ticker: XXP).


The formation system of the XXP token pricing policy is based on its use within the XX Platform as a native token. It is the XXP token that allows to create proper microeconomics inside the platform and ensure the ease and convenience of interaction for all system users. The main objective of the XXP token is the functioning of a virtual accounting unit (equivalent to records in accounting books) to ensure the accounting of funds placed by investors in trust with traders.

To structure and regulate the attracted investment funds, as well as for the sake of fair and transparent distribution of remuneration from the platform, the XX Delegate system of delegated stake distribution has been implemented in XX Platform.


The XX Delegate system consists of Delegates and Stakeholders. This is an effective and democratic mechanism representing a voting system in which small and medium token holders (stakeholders) transfer their “vote” to the elected Delegates. The process of placing user tokens in the Delegate's staking pool is conventionally called a vote transfer.


In terms of the economic model efficiency, the XXP token implements the HALVING mechanism, which the developers have put into the XX Platform cryptocurrency at the software level.

The essence of halving lies in the following: starting from the 4th month after the launch of the network, a gradual decrease in the percentage of reward (staking) is activated, which will constitute -50% of the initial indicators by the end of the year.


Further, over the next 2 years, the percentage of remuneration (staking) will continue to decrease gradually and steadily and, as a result, will decrease by -50% every year.

Starting from the 4th year, halving will be automatically deactivated, until the moment when the emission of cryptocurrency will be completed with the production of 50 million tokens.


In contrast to the above HALVING mechanism, the developers, at the software level, have implemented a deflationary algorithm in the system, called HELIX.


HELIX will be automatically activated by the system in Q1 of 2022, and its activity will be aimed  at compensating for the decrease in profitability of XXP token staking. This mechanism is an additional investment tool that will appear in the interface of the user personal account. HELIX got its name because of the coefficient increasing in an upward spiral.

The XX Platform implements a system of delegated distribution of bets – XX Delegate.
The system offers 2 Delegate contract options:
Type 1

Commission size
from 1% to 10%

Contract duration
6 months

Automatic renewal

Deposit defrost
25% every 6 months

Participation in conferences, meetups

Participation in voting
Type 2

Commission size
from 1% to 10%

Contract duration
12 months

Automatic renewal

Deposit defrost
33% every 12 months

Participation in conferences, meetups

Participation in voting


In order to create a Delegate account,
it is necessary to “freeze” 10,000 XXP tokens
and register in the user’s personal account.

The Delegate, being the creator of his staking pool, has the right to independently set the size of commissions on payments, the percentage of which can vary from 1% to 10% (depending on the type of the selected contract).


36,000,000 XXP tokens are intended to pay rewards to investors in the form of interest rates from staking
5,000,000 XXP tokens – fund of the development team, is in a frozen state
4,500,000 XXP tokens – main operational wallet to pay the expenses for the project functioning and promotion
2,000,000 XXP tokens – pre-ICO and ICO stage
2,000,000 XXP tokens – marketing fund for promoting and scaling the project
500,000 XXP tokens – fund for holding promotions, bounty campaigns, contests, quizzes and other events

The total emission of XXP cryptocurrency
is 50,000,000 tokens distributed on
8 special system wallets.


Road map
Q4 2020
Marketing activities in social media and on crypto forums
ERC-20 smart contract publication on Ethereum Network
Start of the XXP token presale
Alpha version of the investment platform
XX Delegate system activation
Q1 2021
Official website presentation
Final stage of the XXP token presale
Bounty campaign
1st stage of the trading platform development
Launch of the investment platform beta version
Release of the mobile application for Android
Listing on the crypto exchange
Participation in TOKEN2049 — The Premier Crypto
Event ln Asia
Q2 2021
2rd stage of the trading platform development
lnvestment platform update
Start of linear token sales
Appearance on Coingecko
Launch of analytical service
Participation in Blockchain Life 2021 Forum
Start of token sales on the platform
Marketing campaign targeting the Asian region
Listing on the crypto exchange
Appearance on Coinmarketcap
Q3 2021
3rd stage of the trading platform development
Participation in Singapore Blockchain Week 2021 (VC)
Website update
Release of the mobile application for iOS
Marketing campaign targeting Latin America and Spanish-speaking users
Participation in Malta Blockchain summit 2021 (BraziI)
Q4 2021
4th stage of the trading platform development
lnvestment platform update
Marketing campaign targeting the North American market
Participation in Blockchain Expo — North America 2020 (VC)
Listing on the crypto exchange
Participation in Hackathon Human DeFi Haeck (VC)
Generation of the Roadmap for 2022
Q1 2022
5th stage of the trading platform development
Deflationary mechanism activation

For more information about PLATFORM XX, click the link below











Bitcointalk: Osric Caesar Nohan

Bitcointalk profile:;u=2691292