Bintex Futures (BNTX)

What is Bintex Futures
BINTEX FUTURES is a proposed cryptocurrency exchange which will trade in Bintex Token and other cryptocurrencies. It will have the essential USPs of a centralized exchange like speed and convenience with the security advantages of a decentralized exchange. We will construct a world-class crypto Exchange which will fuel the future of crypto-currencies and this could be an opportunity for you to help us do it.
The foundation of a decentralized trading system that's unified and productive to meet handy applications. Constructing a totally decentralized economical and productive exchange within the Blockchain will not only empower cients to nave control over their crypto assets but will also enable them to trade freely and make extra profits.
“A decentralized exchange is a trade system that doesn’t depend on a 3rd party service to hold customer's assets. Rather, trades happen straightforwardly between clients (peer-to-peer) through an automated process."
Decentralized exchanges are a do-it-without anyone else's help trading system, where users don’t endow their crypto-assets to a middleman and trades are executed P2P using smart contracts. Users hold responsibility for their crypto holdings and private keys. Cryptocurrencies are held on the Blockchain and not in a central location. Hence if an attack happens on the exchange crypto assets can’t get hacked
Our smart BNTX tokens with their ability to improve and expedite liquidity will play a major role in maintaining platform liquidity when trading multiple coins. BINTEX Tokens will be integrated within BINTEXFUTURES Exchange to allow investors to instantly convert their holdings into BNTX.
BINTEXFUTURES will charge transaction fee for the instant trades. All fees are payable ONLY with BNTX tokens to ensure liquidity and utilization of the tokens.
We are adding multiple coins and tokens based on their volume trading and validation so that system liquidity is ensured.
Token info
Ticker: BNTX
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: ERC20
Token price in USD: 1 BNTX = 0.0125 USD
Accepted currencies: BTC, ETH, USDT, XLM
Token distribution:
1% - Private Sale
4% - Airdrop & Promoons
15% - IEO Sale / Public Sale
15% - Marketing & Ecosystem
20% - Exchange &App development
15% - Bintex welfare foundation
30% - Team
IEO (Bitforex Launchpad): Jul 15, 2020 - Aug 12, 2020
IEO (Chainx Launchpad): Jun 26, 2020 - Aug 12, 2020
IEO (p2pb2b Launchpad): Jul 01, 2020 - Aug 12, 2020
Token supply: 2,000,000,000 BNTX
Soft cap: 100,000 USD
Hard cap: 3,750,000 USD
Bintex Futures Roadmap
Q1 2019
Market research
Prototype design
Q2 2019
1st BINTEX Framework Design
Technical Upgrades
Q3 2019
Establishment Bintex to develop
BintexFutures Ecosystem
Q4 2019
Application Development Begins
Website Launch
Q1 2020
Token Development Begins
Independent audit of the suite of smart contracts
Blockchain Private Testnet
Q2 2020
BNTX token creation Estimated in May 2020.
Q3 2020
Pre Sale - IEO Exchange Listings Estimated in June 2020.
Q4 2020
TestNet live BNTX Wallet Launch Estimated in September 2020.
Q1 2021
MainNet live Exchange Launch Trading Begins Estimated in December 2020.
Q2 2021
Additional Token & FIAT Support on Exchange Estimated in January 2021.
Q3 2021
Support for Derivative and Leverage Trading Estimated in March 2021.
Q4 2021
Partnerships for E-Commerce BINTEX Chip Card Begins RoadMap Update Estimated in 2021.